Energy Healing
Energy healing helps to restore harmony and balance in the body using a gentle and non-invasive technique. By doing so, it promotes better physical, mental, and emotional health.
Energy healing can be used to complement conventional health care and in collaboration with other approaches to health and healing.
At Prana For you, we use different energy healing techniques such as Pranic Healing, Forensic Healing and NET(Mind Body Stress Relief). Depending on your condition, we may consider using one or a combination of these techniques.
Pranic Healing
Pranic healing is a non-touch therapy developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, a scientist and philanthropist who devoted his life to researching and teching this modality. "Prana" is a Sanskrit word that means life-force or vital force. This invisible vital force keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health.
During a Pranic healing session, we use techniques to harness Prana or Vital Force and use it to rebalance, harmonize and strengthen your energy fields. It is a non-touch therapy and the therapist uses their hands or a programmed quartz crystal to project the healing energy.
Forensic Healing
Forensic healing is a holistic energy system that analyses your life patterns by reading your body and finding the moments in your life where something happened that caused your problem and helps to release it
It is a combination of ancient and advanced healing modalities incorporating Chakras, Chinese medicine, Tree of life healing, N.L.P, hands-on healing, Craniosacral bodywork, Shamanic healing, Inner child healing and many more.
NET(Mind Body Stress Relief)
The Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) was developed by Dr. Scott Walker as a mind-body approach to help stress related conditions.
By using simple muscle testing techniques, NET helps identify underlying stress patterns and it can determine the relationship among emotional health. environmental toxicity, nutritional balance, and structural integrity.
The NET process utilizes the accupuncture theory of five elements law along with specifically formulated NET remedies to help neutralize these stress patterns.
NET Wellness Check
To see the areas that require NET correction, please click on the wellness check image and fill out the following questions to the best of your ability. When completed, you'll be able to print or email your results for you to discuss in your consultation.